Did you know that an elbow could sweat? All of a sudden, I look down and there is water dripping from my elbows. What is going on here? I have to change my shirt again. As I look towards the door, I see Niles and Charlie looking at me patiently as the clock keeps moving forward hoping I won’t be late.
For the last 30 years, I have been diagnosed as borderline hypothyroid with a small nodule on the thyroid. No treatment necessary. The worst symptom was that my hands and feet were always COLD. I wore a sweater in Florida all summer long. The trainer at the gym would work me even harder because he could never make me sweat. My feet were so cold that my sweetie used to tell me to cover those “popsicle toes” with socks in bed.
Until, the day when menopause reared it’s head in my life. My hormones went out of wack, which threw my thyroid out of wack and I ended up in bed for 5 months with my hair falling out all over the house. Allergies so bad that it took a box of tissues every night. By the way, how can you be stuffy and the nose runs at the same time? The good part was with menopause my hands and feet were warm like everyone else. Now I sweat at the gym, in bed, all around the house. Even my elbows sweat. Figure that out!!
So in 30 years I went from popsicle nose and toes to peeling off all my clothes and sitting in front of the refrigerator to get cool. Poor sweetie, now I toss and turn and throw off all the covers and he is the cold one. At least Niles, the frog butler, and Charlie, my stuffed furr baby, are very patient with me and don’t say a word. LOL

Me in the cool waters of the smokey mountains.
“Every problem has an answer”