Home Hypothyroid Cold Fanny in the morning

Cold Fanny in the morning

by Kathy Joy
Covered up fanny

This is the weirdest symptom I have experienced from menopause. I have found that in the morning when I wake up, my fanny is cold. When I was young, I had cold toes, cold hands, and a cold nose. Never was my fanny cold. As I came into menopause, I noticed that the hot flashes warmed the cold hands and feet. They were warm for a change. People didn’t comment on how cold my hands were when we would shake hands. For the first time in my life, I would sweat in the gym and sadly everywhere else.

I don’t notice that my fanny is cold during the day. Why would it be cold when I wake up in the morning? I mean noticeably cold, where I want to add some more covers. No other part of me is cold. I have to poke my feet outside the covers because they are too warm. I haven’t figured out whether to tell my doctor about this symptom. They already think I am crazy. Maybe, I should clarify that I am in Florida. It is hot and I should be waking up sweating.

Should I try googling cold fannies? Would the internet tell me that it is a rare disease that would be miraculously cured by taking a supplement from the Amazon forest? I think maybe there is the possibility of a “cold fanny” support group. How many people wake up in the morning with a cold fanny? We get together and start a bonfire and all face away from the fire while we talk about how we warm our fannies. Maybe sell a solar-powered fanny warmer on the shopping channel?

Well, I just had to get this off my chest. I wonder about things like this. Do you know anyone that has a cold fanny? Would like to know if I am all alone out here.

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