Home Hashimoto's Another Lab Test this morning………..

Another Lab Test this morning………..

by Kathy Joy

Get up while it is still dark, throw on whatever clothes are hanging on the hook, grab sneakers and my blood work papers. Hopefully, I can get there before the line is out the door on a Monday morning. At least my hair is combed.

I always wait until after they draw my blood to take my thyroid pill. They say it doesn’t matter but I wonder how a fresh pill in the bloodstream wouldn’t throw off the results. We are doing T3, T4, TSH and D. Why not TG and TPO antibodies?? My levels on the last blood test exceeded 900 which is the highest they test, so could they be 3000, 10,000? Who knows. Elevated TG and TPO antibodies is a sign of hashimotos. Isn’t it the antibodies that attack the thyroid and why we have so many symptoms? Why don’t they track it?? I was told, “It is because of reliability of the test and there isn’t a treatment for hashimoto. It is a condition, not a disease.” My response, “BS”.

There is a little voice inside me that says there is an answer to the root cause of all of this. I have been doing a lot of research and have learned a lot over the last two plus years. Dr. Izabella Wentz is a pharmacologist that also has hashimotos and she has a lot of great information for free. Special thanks to her, I have reduced a lot of my symptoms by following some of her suggestions. Here are a few that I do. I am NOT recommending anyone else do this because I am not a doctor. LOL.

NAC to help alleviate allergies when they flare up. Digestive enzymes if you see big food particles in your poopy. The better you digest your food, the better you feel. Baking soda is a great scrub for your teeth, skin, face, etc. Once you get used to the taste, you look forward to how clean you feel afterwards. And last but not least, get up an move every day. Even if it is walking in circles in the bedroom. MOVE.

Well, that is all for today. I am tired from getting up so early. Time for a 10 minute nap. Oh, and don’t take a nap longer than 20 minutes or you will be up at 2am…haha

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