Home Life 2 a.m. and I can’t sleep

2 a.m. and I can’t sleep

by Kathy Joy

What do you do when you wake up at 2:00 in the morning and have thoughts running wildly through your brain.  Get up and write them down.  The hard part is trying to get out of the bedroom, shut the door, go down the hall without running into something and waking everyone up.  I can’t put on the lights until I get into the office with the door closed and then I am blinded.  Even the light from the laptop is harsh to my eyes.  I quit turning off my computer because it makes noises when it boots up.   I was tempted to put a pillow over the computer to muffle the dings, the dongs and the boot up sounds of the computer.  It is kind of hard to type with a pillow on your keyboard.

So, this is what was bouncing around in my head. Something inside me has been wanting to go to the Rockies.  I don’t want to fly with all the problems that the planes are having, the way you are packed in like chickens and the hassle of going through the airport with security.  Driving an RV would be nice since you have your own kitchen and bathroom. A must for germaphobes.

So I came up with a great idea.  Now that I am almost 60 it is even more important to work out at the gym during my trip. I am going to have to gym hop my way from Florida to the Rockies.  I can plan my stops according to what areas have a gym and get a good workout.  After a long day of driving, what would be better than a nice hop on a treadmill to get the heart pumping, some strength training and stretching?  Then, cook up some fresh food and have a healthy meal.  Sounds like a plan. Maybe you might be at one of the towns where I stop and we could meet. The idea of driving across the country and meeting people I only know online gives me a sense of joy and excitement. Well, till we meet, wishing you well.

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