One day, I heard Joan Rivers doing a comedy bit about when a woman gets a certain age, her vagina drops. I have never been able to get that visual out of my head of her talking about her vagina lips falling to the floor, creating a suction so bad that she couldn’t walk without them scraping across the floor. How’s that for a visual? I keep looking down to see if my lips are still nicely tucked up where they belong. Don’t worry, men have the problem that of something of theirs will be hitting the water too.
Well, now that I have given you something new to check for. Just a pointer. Keep a small hand mirror on the back of the toilet for easy viewing. It also helps for trimming but that is a subject for another day.
It seems like every day brings a new set of challenges on how to do the things we used to do when we were 30. How to cope when we are not able to do those things that we could easily do in the past.
I used to be able to have a couple glasses of wine and forget all about whatever bothered me, or maybe a cocktail or two and dance around the floor. Now I don’t even get to the “feel good” part. I go straight to the feeling of the hangover. I don’t even want to drink anymore. What am I supposed to do with all those bottles of alcohol that are in the bar cabinet along with all the martini and highball glasses?? Have a party?
Guess I need to go take a nap and ponder it over. Till next time…..