Hi There, My name is Kathy Joy.
I remember going to my doctor with a pad of paper where I had written down 39 symptoms that I was experiencing and told him that on a 1 to 10 scale, most of these were an 8 to 10. The doctor replied, ” You don’t look like you feel this bad”. AARRGGHH!!!!
According to the lab tests and his professional opinion, I am in full blown menopause with hypothyroiditis, hashimoto, hypoglycemia and adrenal failure. In their words, “This is what getting old is all about and I need to just get used to it”. At least that is what the doctor’s tell me. I am tired of all the doctor visits, lab tests, CT scans, poking, prodding, and them offering me pills and creams for allergies, depression, thyroid, skin problems, etc.
It has been a long journey to get to the point where I feel like getting out of bed if I didn’t have to. That does not mean that I was “able” to stay in bed. There were things I “had to do”. People depended on me.
I still struggle with the fatigue, brain fog, allergies, aches and pains in my hands and knees and other little symptoms; BUT they are not as bad. Maybe a 1 – 3. I have found ways to start getting my health and strength back. Those are ideas I would like to share.
I have learned so much on this journey and the only way I didn’t give up was to keep my sense of humor. I hope you will join me as I share some of the hysterical moments that have happened and the new ones to come. This is my way of getting JOY back in life.
You are what you think and what you think matters
You are what you think and what you think matters